Agence Île de France

98 Avenue Aristide Briand, 92120 Montrouge, France
+33 (0)1 49 65 65 50

The agency, located in Montrouge, near Porte d’Orléans, employs 6 people and covers the entire Ile de France region. It may be called upon to work beyond the Paris region to meet the needs  of our national clients.

It is specialized in Project Management for the development, transformation and renovation of buildings, mainly for the distribution and service sectors.

Les projets phares

25 Stores for ALDI

25 Stores for ALDI

- France

Rebuilding of VILL’UP

- France

Suivez le fil de nos informations

Didier Rossi, Head of the Fluids Department:

Didier Rossi, Head of the Fluids Department:

Transity: support to optimise the energy performance of buildings

Transity: support to optimise the energy performance of buildings